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La Paz / El Alto, Bolivia

In November 2023, we embarked on a journey to El Alto/La Paz, Bolivia, with the purpose of sharing the message of Salvation. We sponsored a pastor’s conference, attended by 270 pastors and leaders eager to receive from the Lord. During our visit, we had the privilege of sharing on a radio interview and a marriage conference. Additionally, we imparted the message of the Holy Spirit in various churches across the area of La Paz/El Alto.

We were able to see approximately 600 people receiving Jesus as their Savior, while over 1200 fervently prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. During an online broadcast reaching four churches that have been planted, an entire congregation (around 25 people) experienced a powerful manifestation of the Spirit and all of them fell down under the power of God. It was  like the prophet Daniel experienced when he was praying.

We have been speaking about the “new move of the Spirit in South America” and we believe this is a measure of that new move. The Lord started inspiring me to go to La Paz about a year ago and I believe this trip was part of His planned outpouring. 

The last night we were there, we also saw two pastors come together and pray for unity among the churches in the area. One pastor was from El Alto and the other was from La Paz. Before that night, they had not even considered working together, but the Lord wants unity among the Body in both cities. It was encouraging to see the move of the Holy Spirit in so many different areas. I believe the Gospel will go forth in a greater way in La Paz and El Alto  in the future.