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Bucaramanga, Colombia

In the middle of November of this year, my wife and I visited Bucaramanga to minister on a short mission trip. We had an entrepreneur’s meeting, an intercessory teaching/meeting, a leadership meeting, and a meeting to honor the opening of a new facility location for use by the “New Generation” church . The church desired to have many non-believers come to that meeting, so an evangelistic message was given. The pastor said he had about 200 new believers that prayed to receive Jesus at that service. We prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for many people and many who had not received their prayer language previously received it that day. We prayed for healing for the people and encouraged the believers to participate as Mark 16:17-18 declares by “laying their hands upon the sick” so they would recover. When given the opportunity, many people raised their hands to testify that God had already or was in the process of healing them at that service.

We believe God will open the doors for more evangelism in Bucaramanga in the future. We are praying about God’s timing and we request your prayers for our participation in that evangelistic outpouring in the future. Blessed be the name of the Lord!